Expansion of Business Domains = Evolution from an Advertising Company

We are promoting the evolution of our business portfolio from marketing communications to the innovation domain in an effort to resolve increasingly complex and sophisticated client issues.

Continuing to Add
New Value and Impact
to Sei-katsu-sha and
Society as a Whole

Moving Toward More Stable and
Continuous Earnings Growth

A More Diverse Earnings

Objectives and Policies for Expanding Our Business Domains

To address the complex and sophisticated marketing challenges that clients face amid changes in sei-katsu-sha and society, in addition to strengthening and expanding its core domain of marketing communications, the Group is expanding its scope of business into marketing execution, taking a full-funnel approach to provide marketing support. It is also moving into the innovation domain, where we can demonstrate our advanced and specialized solution skills.

When expanding these business domains, our policy is to incorporate new businesses and functions that fully leverage the Sei-katsu-sha Insight and creativity that have been the Group’s hallmarks since its founding.

A More Diverse Earnings Model

By expanding our business domains, we aim to achieve more stable and continuous earnings growth by shifting from the traditional commission-based earnings structure to a fee-based model with compensation for services, as well as to a multilayered earnings model that includes earnings from investment business and joint ventures.

Marketing Communications Domain

Marketing Execution Domain

Innovation Domain