Integrated Report 2022
Hakuhodo DY Holdings
Integrated Report 2022

Initiatives to Address Climate Change
and Other Environmental Issues

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In its business activities, the Hakuhodo DY Group will comply with environment-related laws, regulations, andindus trys tandards, andw ewillv oluntarilyw orkt or educeour environmental impacts. In addition, we will leverage each employee’s creativity, ability to take action, and capacity to make things happen as we aim to support the realization and development of a sustainable society through our business and other activities with our business partners.

The Hakuhodo DY Group’s Response to Climate Change

The Hakuhodo DY Group endorses the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). For scenario analysis, we have established the Environmental Management Subcommittee (the “Subcommittee”) under the Sustainability Committee (the “Committee”), which is chaired by the Representative Director & President, and the Hakuhodo DY Group Environmental Manager. The relevant divisions of the Company and Group companies participated in the Subcommittee to identify key risks and opportunities posed by climate change and to conduct quantitative financial assessments for the first time in fiscal 2022. We are promoting relevant information disclosure on a Groupwide basis in accordance with the recommended disclosure items determined by the Subcommittee.

Hakuhodo DY Group Environmental Policy and Environmental Management System

  • 1. Hakuhodo DY Group Environmental Policy

    The Hakuhodo DY Group’s action guidelines include not only reducing the environmental burden at the office level but also supporting the implementation of environmental contribution activities that leverage collaborations with stakeholders and the creativity of individual employees. We advance environmental initiatives in accordance with our Basic Policy.

  • 2. Hakuhodo DY Group Environmental Management System

    The Hakuhodo DY Group Sustainability Committee considers basic policies, themes, and specific measures related to the environment. Under the Committee, we have appointed the Hakuhodo DY Group Environmental Manager, who is responsible for environmental activities on a Groupwide basis. In addition, we have established an Environmental Management Subcommittee as a subordinate organization to regularly evaluate climate-related issues and draw up measures once a quarter.
    The Board of Directors receives reports from the Sustainability Committee on the evaluation and status of climate-related issues and environmental target management, and makes overall decisions on the formulation of management strategies and other important matters, taking into account climate-related issues.

  • 3. Status of Acquisition of ISO 14001

    In accordance with the Hakuhodo DY Group Environmental Policy, certain units are implementing environmental management in conformity with the international environmental standard ISO 14001. Currently, ISO 14001 certification has been acquired by Hakuhodo Inc. and Group companies OZMA Inc. and HAKUHODO I-STUDIO Inc.

  • Strategy: Scenario Analysis

    The scope of the scenario analysis covers the entire value chain from research and development (R&D) to procurement, production, and service provision, with a focus on Japan, the Hakuhodo DY Group’s principal area of operation. To consider long-term assumptions for 2030 and beyond, analysis was conducted against two scenarios: a 1.5°C scenario, which assumed an average global temperature at the end of this century of no more than 1.5°C warmer than that prior to the Industrial Revolution (in some instances a 2.0°C scenario was also analyzed), and a 4°C scenario, which assumed a rise in average global temperature of around 4°C.
    These analyses and response measures were approved and implemented following discussions with the Sustainability Committee Chair and the Environmental Manager, who received a report from the Environmental Management Subcommittee. We will continue to conduct scenario analysis on an ongoing basis to enhance its quality and quantity and further integrate it into our management strategies to enhance our resilience in dealing with an uncertain future.

  • Risk Management

    In fiscal 2020, the Group identified and assessed its material issues (materiality), which are important issues for achieving sustainable growth for both society and the Group with a view to realizing the SDGs. The Group Compliance Committee will manage progress and review materiality risks, including climate-related issues, on a case-by-case basis to establish an appropriate risk management system.

  • Indicators and Targets

    To achieve carbon neutrality by fiscal 2050, the Hakuhodo DY Group has set an interim target of a 50% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by fiscal 2030 compared with fiscal 2019 and a 30% reduction in Scope 3 emissions.
    To achieve this goal, we will not only conduct conventional energy conservation activities but also aim to introduce renewable energy-derived electricity to account for 60% of our total electricity consumption by fiscal 2030 and 100% by fiscal 2050. We will also set targets and formulate measures in the four main areas of renewable energy introduction, energy conservation (paperless offices), waste reduction, and recycling.

Item Target Base year
(Fiscal 2019)
Result for
fiscal 2021
Progress in
fiscal 2021
Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions*1 Reduction of 50% by fiscal 2030 (compared with fiscal 2019), carbon neutral by fiscal 2050 11,174 tons 9,570 tons 14.3% reduction
Scope 3 CO2 emissions*1 Reduction of 30% by fiscal 2030 (compared with fiscal 2019) 30,063 tons 19,166 tons 36.2% reduction
Introduction of renewable energy*1 60% by fiscal 2030, 100% by fiscal 2050 0% 0% 0%
Energy conservation*1 Reduction of 30% (compared with fiscal 2019) 5,372 kl 4,652 kl 13.4% reduction
Waste reduction*2 Maintain an average reduction of 50% or more (compared with fiscal 2019) 486 tons 311 tons 36.0% reduction
Recycling rate*3 Recycling rate of 85% or higher 82.2% 84.6% 84.6%

*1 Total values for Hakuhodo, Daiko Advertising, YOMIKO ADVERTISING, Hakuhodo DY Media Partners, and HAKUHODO PRODUCT’S *2 Waste volume and waste reduction targets for Hakuhodo head office in Tokyo *3 Recycling rate at Hakuhodo head office in Tokyo

External Evaluations

We have been responding to the CDP Climate Change Questionnaire, an environmental survey administered by CDP,*1 every year since 2017. In fiscal 2021, we received a score of B. Furthermore, we have been selected as a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series and the FTSE Blossom Japan Index*2 for the fourth consecutive year. We have also been selected as a constituent of the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index.*2 Moving forward, we will continue to provide appropriate information disclosure, including through our annual participation in a sustainability survey by EcoVadis.*3

*1 CDP: A not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts *2 FTSE4Good Index Series: A series of international ethical investment stock market indices covering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance that was developed by FTSE Russell, a member of the London Stock Exchange Group
FTSE Blossom Japan Index: One of four indices adopted by Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) that measure the ESG practices of leading Japanese companies
FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index: An index designed to measure the performance of Japanese companies that demonstrate strong ESG practices relative to their sector peers
*3 EcoVadis: A research institute that provides platforms for examining policies, initiatives, and results related to corporate sustainability

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